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Criteria for the Accreditation of Degree Programmes

时间: 2024-11-01 11:06:13 作者:  审核:  点击:[35]

This document comprises the General Criteria as well as procedural requirements and processes in programme accreditation for the award of the


and, if applicable, the European subject labels EUR-ACE® by ENAEE, Euro-Inf® by EQANIE,

Eurobachelor®-/Euromaster® by ECTNA and EQAS-Food by IFA.

In programme accreditation, ASIIN concentrates on the assessment of degree programmes in engineering, architecture, informatics, natural sciences, mathematics, medicine and economics as well as interdisciplinary combinations of one of these subjects with other areas.

This document was designed for all kinds of higher education institutions, which offer educational programmes on an academic level (6 or higher) with respect to the European Qualifications Framework.

Please refer to the attachment for details.